Monday, September 7, 2009

Brady's Six Year Photos

It's so hard to believe we'll be celebrating his sixth birthday here in a couple of weeks. Time goes by so quickly! We were able to get tickets to his first baseball game in St. Louis (vs. the Cubs), so we'll spend the weekend enjoying the zoo (again) and the game! Brady is so excited! Here are just a few of recent photos I took of Brady...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fun in Florida!

We had another fantastic Florida vacation with our family. We had great weather...minus the "hurricane" we ran into on our pontoon...but that's another story. It's so wonderful to be able to spend the week catching up, relaxing, and enjoying each others company. Destin is a fantastic destination, and we are so thankful for another opportunity to visit it! Here's just a few photos from our trip..

We are excited to announce that we will be having a girl!! Yeah!!! I could have sworn we were having another boy, but it's been confirmed - our family will be even between boys & girls!! We surprised our family while on vacation with a "We're Having a ??" cake...when Grandma cut into it, she found the pink ice cream. Thank goodness she got it right took awile before Grandpa understood it!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Sledding!

It will be April next week, but Mother Nature decided we needed a little more of the white stuff before we can put away the winter jackets. We may have only gotten about 2-3 inches, but it was enough for us to bundle up, dig out the sleds, and head for the hills! We had a great time!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hockey Tot II

We've moved up to Hockey Tots II..which means full gear and more action. It's so cute to see the little kids out there all padded up, they can hardly move! Brady scored a goal on his first night, it's safe to say he definitely takes after his dad. Here are a few snapshots of our Hockey Tot (notice the last one - how sweaty he is! I didn't know a five year old could work up a sweat like that??

Valentine's Day

Brady enjoys playing his Click Start game..and he surprised us by typing out this message to us! How cute is that??

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Brady has "really, really, really, really" wanted a Lightsaber (he's all about Star Wars right now) so that was his Valentine's Day surprise. Brady made us a Valentine's Day card, I just love receiving those!! And of course, what kind of Valentine's Day would it be without some chocolate?

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I was taking pictures of Sheba a few weekends ago (I think Brady is tired of me always taking his photo!) and happened to capture this moment...wouldn't be able to do that again if I tried!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Winter Getaway!

We decided to get rid of our winter blues by heading up to the Dells. First, we stayed at an indoor water park and had our fill of water slides. I'm constantly amazed at the lack of fear our child has when it comes to roller coasters, water slides, etc. Then we took Brady skiing for the first time - and he absolutely loved it! He had a morning of lessons and picked it up quickly. He didn't quite get the concept of stopping, but he sure loved to ride up the chair lift and fly down the hill! The trip was so much fun, we are definitely going to make this an annual event.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy New Years!

The three of us had a blast celebrating New Years - we played games and Brady stayed up until the big countdown at 9:00 p.m. We all enjoyed our chocolate oreo shakes. Brady had his, 1/2 of mommy's, and then proceeded to ask daddy if he needed any help! Mommy made it up until 10:30 (that's stretching it according to Jason). Cheers to a happy & healthy 2009!