Saturday, November 15, 2008

Children's Museum Visit

Recently we drove up to Naperville to meet some friends of ours. Stacie and I have been friends since grade school and we try to get together at least a couple of times a year. It's fun getting together and letting our kids play together. This time we decided on visiting a children's museum. The kids sure had fun, just take a look at some of the photos!
Brady's favorite activity was building "something" out of wood...using real tools! Daddy was right there with him, helping him build this masterpiece. I personally think it's Rudolph. We thought it turned out just perfect!


  1. Great blog...and great reindeer. I completely agree that it has to be Rudolph! By the way, just how many friends do you have named Stacy (Stacie, Stacey...) (SMILE)

    Hugs & kisses from your friend - TORI

  2. It does look like Rudolph! Stick a red nose on it and call it a day :)
