Friday, November 21, 2008

A New Sport

It took me awhile before I agreed to sign Brady up to play hockey. Sharp razor blades on shoes doesn't necessarily appeal to me. However, hockey is one of Jason's favorite sports so it's pretty cool to see Brady out father, like son! Our first session was interesting. Poor Brady fell so much that I thought he's either going to hate this sport or will love it... he walked off the ice and said "I LOVE IT!" We 've been at it for a few weeks now, and although he is improving quickly (he no longer falls first thing when he steps on the ice), he still falls down quite often. He always pops right back up and tries again. I was the camera mom out there snapping everything, waving, and worried that he was getting hurt...I think Jason was a tad embarrassed. The photos below capture what we see all too slow motion...

Going, going, gone...

Our Little Hockey Tot!!

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