Sunday, November 9, 2008

Walt Disney World

We visited Walt Disney World for the first time in October. Brady is five now, which is the perfect age for this adventure. We spent seven days in Orlando and managed to visit every theme park and Sea World. By the end of the trip, we were exhausted - but it was worth it! Magic Kingdom was so much fun, we went there three or four times. The castle is beautiful and everything we had imagined. It changes colors at night and the fireworks show is stunning. Tinkerbell even "flies" from the castle shortly before the fireworks. Leave it to Brady to look up, notice the wire and say "Tinkerbell is ziplining!"

We surprised Brady with a character meal at Chef Mickey's - which was an amazing experience. I was a little nervous as to how Brady would react around the characters. We had traumatized him a couple of years ago when I had front row seats to see Sesame Street Live and Elmo scared him (he was quite large when we were so close to him). We've been talking about Mickey and his friends for almost a year now, so thankfully it paid off. He loved the characters!!

To our pleasant surprise, Brady is a huge fan of roller coasters...the bigger the better! It must be genetic! One of his favorite rides was the Tower of Terror at Hollywood Studios. And to think, I was scared to let him go on it. After all, he was only one inch taller than the minimum height requirement. As soon as the ride ended, I heard "Let's go again!" Jason and I went on two rides that he couldn't go on...Rockin' Roller Coaster and Kraken (at Sea World). It won't be long before he's ready for the front row on the fastest coaster at a theme park! His other favorite rides werethe Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin, Big Thunder Mountain Mountain Railroad (Magic Kingdom) and Expedition Everest (Animal Kingdom). We rode all of them multiple times.

We were there during Halloween week, so we bought tickets to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. They close the park down to everybody except those with tickets. We had so much fun - everything from the rides, trick or treating with the characters, Boo to You parade, and the fireworks. Our little pirate had a wonderful Halloween experience - and so did mom & dad. Disney is truly a magical experience. This was one vacation that will forever live in our hearts.


  1. So fun to see your pics and hear your commentary! You guys have an adorable family and it looks like you had an awesome time. btw, ziplining?! I can totally hear him saying that! Smart boy!

  2. Very cute Stac!!! Okay you are going to have to teach me how to do one of these! Brady looks like he had a blast !!

  3. No problem! It's pretty easy to do - the hard part (for me) will be keeping it current!

  4. Great blog, Stace! Brady is too cute and it looks like Disney was great. Can't wait to see what you post next...the pressure's on - you've already raised the bar with your first post!!!
